
Programmatic Advertising: A Close Look at Cannabis

ZEFR's Richard Raddon and Unilever's Jennifer Gardner on Supporting the News & Protecting Brand Equity in the Age of COVID-19

Cannabis is a complex category and new to most ad tech buyers and sellers. It shares the challenges of product categories such as alcohol, tobacco and prescription medicine, but adds on evolving state-by state legislation, unclear advertising guidelines, brand safety and brand suitability concerns, and a general consumer bias, making it a particularly tricky category.

With a projected revenue of $30 billion by 2025 [1] the following considerations are paramount to the success and growth of the U.S. cannabis industry: what the cannabis regulatory landscape entails, how the standard regulatory bodies weigh in, the ongoing challenges this creates for programmatic advertising, and how this should be approached by media professionals within the programmatic ecosystem.

In 2020, the . . .


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