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    Product Price Quantity Subtotal
× Online Learning: Audio 360 Audio 360 $399.00
× Inclusion & Engagement Leadership Essentials 1 Data 360 $399.00
× The IAB Re-entry Report: The Post-COVID Brand Meets the Post-COVID Consumer 1 Digital Buying and Planning Certification Exam Prep Recorded Webinar $399.00
× Online Learning: Digital Fundamentals 2 Digital Fundamentals $399.00
× 2020: The Year Marketers Use AI to Drive Real World Outcomes 2 Digital Video 360 $399.00
× Driving Business with Data Science 1 Driving Business with Data Science $299.00
× Introduction to Malware and Ad Quality Introduction to Malware and Ad Quality $299.00
× Introduction to Retail Media – IAB Industry Knowledge Training Introduction to Retail Media $399.00
× New World Brand Management: The Five Ps After the Pandemic 3 Programmatic 360 $399.00

IAB and IAB Tech Lab members receive a discount. Enter your work email to get verified and have the discount applied.

Cart totals

Subtotal $3,790.00
Total $3,790.00