
2H 2022 Flash Bulletin: U.S. Ad Investment Projections within the Current Macroeconomic Climate

2H 2022 Flash Bulletin: U.S. Ad Investment Projections within the Current Macroeconomic Climate

In the second half of 2022 Flash Bulletin, which explored U.S. ad investment projections within the current macroeconomic climate, buyers are expecting the second half of 2022 ad spend to be up +7% in opposition to what was originally planned.

2H 2022 Ad Spend vs. Planned

  • Contrary to the prevailing market sentiment, 2H 2022 ad spend is projected to be up +7% vs. original plan as per brands and agencies
    • Growth is not uniform across categories: 2H 2022 ad spend is being driven by travel and tech, while health & wellness and auto are down vs. planned
    • For those decreasing 2H 2022 ad spend, a “slowing economy” was the #1 contributor at 66%, followed by 45 . . .

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